A deputation of residents from the Dun Eala housing estate in Fermoy made their way to the town hall this week in an effort to highlight the problems facing their community.
The housing estate, which was part of a Kent and Brompton Homes Ltd development, has been, according to the residents’ association, left in a condition that may cause an accident and they want the council to force the builders to comply with all initial and subsequent planning conditions granted for the estate.
“To date, this association has been refused a Cork County Council amenity grant due to the fact that our estate has not been taken in charge by the council. But this is only one of a long list of problems that need to be addressed by the developer and Cork County Council,” Veronica Condon of the Dun Eala Residents’ Association told the councillors at the Northern Area Committee meeting this week.
After submitting their list to the council the residents are now waiting on the engineering department at Cork County Council to report back on their findings.
“The committee heard our presentation in full and the councillors said that they would support the residents and that they were awaiting the report. They are hoping that the estate will be taken in charge by Cork County Council as soon as the issues have been resolved with the developer,” Ms Condon told The Avondhu.
Thursday 15th July 7:36pm