Concerns raised over CBS entrance
Concerns are being expressed regarding the safety aspect at the entrance to Mitchelstown CBS. The Avondhu has received a number of comlaints about the worsening condition of the pillars at the entrance, which was described this week by one concerned parent as 'totally inadequate and unfit for purpose'.
"To begin with, the entrance is two way, but extremely narrow allowing only one car to pass through it at a time creating a situation where traffic must wait on a busy road for a chance to enter. There is no separate pedestrian entrance; children have to weave in and out between the cars and the entrance creates a risk of a child being crushed between a car and the stone pillars."
The caller went on to state that, as it is, school buses and many cars park outside with children disembarking on a busy road, rather than brave the traffic jam inside the school grounds.
"The pillars are in very poor condition and in danger of falling if struck by a vehicle. I gather that the pillars are old and of some value historically but I don’t see any reason why they cannot be moved, because I’d certainly value the safety of a child far above value of a lump of old limestone."
Another reader also told The Avondhu that the parking 'is not fit for purpose'.
"I have witnessed road rage because of cars being abandoned everywhere when parents are collecting their sons. There have been burst tyres because of the high kerbing and to add to the madness, there are workmen driving in and out during school times, blocking up traffic.
"I park outside the school because you would need lessons in patience to go through the gates."
The concerned parent added that it is only a matter of time before an accident occurs at the school and they called for something to be done.
"Never mind an accident outside the CBS gates, it is only a matter of time before there is a full on collision with cars crashing into each other and someone will get hurt then. This is a matter which has to be addressed."
The Avondhu was informed by the Mitchelstown Heritage Society that the pillars are not in fact protected or listed structures and in last week's edition, we outlined how both schools have plans under consideration to alter the pillars but in the meantime, tensions are rising with parents claiming to be losing patience with the current situation.
Friday 1st March 10:45am