Mitchelstown is finally to get its long needed youth cafe for the young people in the town, writes Brian Moore. After many years of planning a youth cafe will open in Mitchelstown in September.
The announcement from the Mitchelstown Youth Advisory committee came this week as a building to house the cafe has been identified and a lease agreed with the owner.
“The youth cafe will be housed in what was the Fox’s Den pub. As we have already made submissions to the leisure centre committee as part of the development in the canon’s field, we see this as a temporary setting and a great opportunity for the young people of Mitchelstown to get involved with the youth cafe from the very start,” chairman Ailbe Coleman told The Avondhu.
It is hoped that the youth cafe will give the young people of Mitchelstown a place to come together, to mix and relax.
“The youth cafe will be a place where young people can meet in a safe environment. It will also encourage more participation in community events and provide access to other facilities for the young people of Mitchelstown,” Mr Coleman said.
The youth advisory council is calling for volunteers to help with the running of the new youth cafe and are calling on anybody that would be interested to contact them.
“We would like to thank Ballyhoura Development for all their help and advice; the schools in Mitchelstown were also instrumental in getting the youth cafe in place and of course Foroige, the Mitchelstown Drugs Project, St Vincent de Paul and the parish priest, Father Fitzgerald for all their support.
Over the coming weeks we will be getting ready for the opening in September and we look forward to seeing the youth of Mitchelstown using and enjoying their youth cafe,” Ailbe Coleman concluded.
Friday 31st July 10:48am