Mitchelstown U10 ladies footballers continue their winning streak
Well done to the U10 girls who won again last Saturday when they took on Rathcormac. All girls played excellently and it was a fantastic game. Keep up the good work.
Well done to the U12 team who were delighted with their win over near neighbours Ballyhooly on Saturday week. Management are delighted with how well these girls are playing and their commitment so far this year. Skill level and team play continue to improve with each game.
U16 and Junior Training
Training this week will be at 7.30 on Friday in Mitchelstown pitch. Please note change of day and time.
Underage training
U6s are now training outside in Mitchelstown GAA pitch every Tuesday at 6.30 with the U8s and U10s an hour later at 7.30. This is a great introduction for football for the girls and there are great numbers turning up every week.
U12 continues on Mondays at 7.30 in Fanahan’s pitch. U14 training is now at 11am Saturday mornings in Mitchelstown pitch.
All new players welcome to any of these training sessions.
Gumshields compulsory
Gumshields must now be worn by every player up to the age of 18. It is vital that the girls wear these gumshields at training also and any player coming to training without a gumshield will not be allowed to partake.
Shelly to head to Kenya
Junior football player Shelly Walsh will soon be travelling to Kenya for a couple of weeks to help out with orphanages. Shelly has to raise a substantial amount of money for this and will be collecting it over the next couple of weeks. Any few euro will help.
Membership now overdue
A reminder that membership is now overdue. Please contact any team selector or manager to get forms or to pay the membership.
Gaelic for Mothers and Others
As noted previously Mitchelstown ladies football will be hosting Gaelic football for all family members. This is a great way to get involved with the girls. Details to come soon.
Friday 13th June 10:52am