New Chairman for Mitchelstown Business Association
"Mitchelstown needs you - we cannot take our local shops and businesses for granted anymore" - this is the strong message from the new Chairman of the Mitchelstown Business Association, Mark Waldron, who is looking forward to being a proactive chairman who can oversee positive changes in the town.
Speaking to The Avondhu, Mark Waldron of Mark's Fruit and Veg on Lower Cork Street said that he was very humbled and felt very privileged to have been chosen as the new chairman by his fellow business people.
He added that he hopes to do the role justice, as he said that Eamonn O'Brien did a wonderful job as chairman, as did Declan O'Connor and Eileen Casey as treasurer and secretary.
Mr O'Brien wished Mr Waldron the best of luck in his new role, adding that with an event like the RAS coming up, it is important that the business people get involved and make the town look its best.
He also reminded people that if they wish to display their goods in any empty buildings, no rates apply once there are no commercial transactions and if people did this, it would take away the sense of vacancy from some of the town's buildings.
Mr Waldron emphasised that Mitchelstown has an awful lot to offer, but that people need to support the businesses if they are to continue to stay in the town.
"Mitchelstown really has it all, covering every base of our consumer needs in a small radius, but while we are a prosperous town, a lot of businesses are struggling.
"Nobody is immune to the economic pressures currently gripping the country. Can you imagine what would happen if they all started to slowly disappear?
"Now, more than ever we have to be committed to shop local, we can't just assume others will do it for us and our businesses will survive. After all, a bustling town makes for a better town, but it needs the support from its community and people who genuinely care about their town, to thrive and survive," Mr Waldron said.
He added that the main focus of the MBA, as always, will be to live by the mantra to keep your business in town to keep the town in business, as he said that this ensures that more money stays local to support local jobs and local produce.
Another issue which Mr Waldron will be shining a light on is the parking issue in the town, as he said that if people continue to park outside businesses during peak trading hours it will take business away from the town.
He urged people who are working or living in the town centre to try to park away from the main street between the hours of 9am and 3pm, because if the spaces are not there, it could mean that another town will benefit from the business which was trying to get into Mitchelstown.
Mr Waldron added that keeping the streets clean is another pertinent issue, as the streets need to look attractive and well presented, so that people driving through might stop and explore what the town has to offer.
He commended the county council, TUS workers and volunteers who keep the streets clean, but said that with bad weather and high winds, business people and residents need to be vigilant about litter and make sure that the town looks its best at all times.
Mr Waldron urged all business people who are interested in the future of the town to come to The Firgrove Hotel on Tuesday next, May 6, at 7pm to talk about any ideas they have about the future of the town.
Thursday 2nd May 6:25pm